Last week Kate, Jeremy, and me (and Kirk, who didn't really help) became the new high score on photohunt at BHP. It was one of my proudest accomplishments of the past year, probably right after getting my masters. So this weekend, Kate, Caitlin, and I went back to BHP and were dismayed, downtrodden, and nearly in tears when we found out that we had been bumped down to third place. We spent an embarrassingly long time stooped over the photohunt machine on saturday night, and even took a break to go down the street for a refreshment at Uppercrust, but we weren't able to beat the new score.
I would've marked the weekend as a total loss, except that I ran my second 5k earlier that day. It wasn't as much fun as my first one in June, but I had convinced my mom to start running this spring and she ran it with me on Saturday. About 3/4 of a mile into it, she told me she hated me and we split up. But when we met up at the end and were relaxing as they gave out awards, we were pretty stunned when they read her name as the winner of her age division. She went up and got her medal, and we never told my dad later that day that she was one of two people in her age division.
Halloween is coming. Our apartment has its first installation of candy corn. It's how I reconcile with the fact that summer is leaving.