Thursday, January 25, 2007

Kate's almost old enough to die

My school has this terrible rule where teachers can't take their classes outside for their playground time unless it's above 32 degrees. That would be reasonable if we lived in, say, South Carolina, but 32 degrees isn't that cold in Boston. It's been really really cold, but some days were only like 30 degrees, and we still couldn't take them out. Which was totally dumb.

Yesterday we hit the wall. Yesterday was the day all 18 of my kids decided to rebel. They were horrible. They were running. They were screaming. They were shoving in line. They were throwing toys and paintbrushes. They were holding hands during our Israeli dance class and would all of a sudden start running, trying to make the whole line fall down. And a select few decided the writing table would be a good place to pretend that markers and colored pencils were make-up, and decorate their faces.

Today we went outside for the first time in over a week, and it looks like it'll be the last time for the rest of January. Wish me luck.

Today was also exciting because I went to the doctor for the first time in 7 years, and I didn't throw up. (Which is big). But I did come home with a new toy:

It's a bit of asthma. And you don't have to tell me twice, I already know all the cool kids carry inhalers, like my roommate. But should our inhalers ever get mixed up, I can mine apart since mine is the one that is not covered in tobacco.

And speaking of roommates...guess who turned 25 yesterday!

That is one pretty tasty cookie cake. COVERED IN FROSTING. And as you can see, Kate is pretty contemplative before she blows out the candles, clearly pausing for a moment to reflect upon the past year.

Happy 25!

Monday, January 22, 2007

37 days until spring training starts I guess?

Not this year.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Name Game

There's something new on the old blog today. I was inspired by Molly, who does a weekly poll every Tuesday, to make up a poll of my own, and get your brains thinking. And, I was also motivated by one of my sweet, adorable roommates, who tells me at least once a week that I have a lousy 80s name. It's not my fault, I was born in the 80s. And growing up, I thought it was a good name, since I only knew one other girl with the name, and one man. Also, the only word that I could think of to rhyme with it was "lacy." Anyway, the constant reminding that it's an 80s name has beaten down my spirit, so I need some suggestions for a better name. So go ahead, what do you think?

What would be a better name for me?
Mrs. Tom Brady
Bahama Mama
A cool hippie name, like Lavender or Frog
Stacy is perfect, and isn't "80s"
Other (leave ideas in comments) free polls

Monday, January 15, 2007

Tommy B.

This is the time of year when I start posting pictures of Tom and talk about how great he is. Of course, if you lived with me, you would have been hearing this since August. But after an exciting come-from-behind win last night, I am even more compelled to share my enthusiasm for my future husband.

I'd write a little bit more, but this is a family place.

And while we're on the topic of uncomfortable situations...

We were in the apartment enjoying some tasty Miller Lite Friday night, when Kate announced we were driving to the train station in Natick, a good 35 minutes away. Long story short, we're less than two miles from the apartment, heading toward the highway, and Kate announces to me, "So I just thought I should put this out there...I'm not exactly 100%. I'd say maybe 70%." But since I had declined being the one to drive, since I figured I was also somewhere around that state, I was not as concerned as I should have been about Kate's lack of depth perception. I'm not sure why I believed her when we were in the apartment and she said she was fine to drive, since she had been kicking back the brews since late afternoon at work, but that's a conversation for another time.

I have today off from work & I'm heading out to see Dreamgirls with my mom soon. There are no movies out that I want to see right now.

And oh my god, did you know I had pajama day with my class last week?? For some of them. it may have been the highlight of their first 3 and a half years of life.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Go Diego Go

I don't know if this is real or not, but it looks convincing to me. I didn't think they commented on these on TV like it's a sport though, so I don't know. But it is entertaining, and makes me feel lazy and unproductive.

speedy little guy

Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's January 6th and it's 70 degrees in Boston, and I for one am in love with global warming.

I showed off my pasty winter legs in shorts on my run this morning, and was hot! I'm not wearing any socks in the apartment, and only have on two layers and I'm not cold! I have windows wide open! Goodbye glaciers, hello summer in January.

I do need one good snow storm this year though.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

R.I.P. Winnie the Pooh

Today I arrived at school and found our class pet, a beloved beta fish, belly-up in its bowl. He was a good fish. He was ok with not eating over the long weekends when no one was there to feed him, and he dealt well with three and four year olds pushing the bowl around to get him to swim faster. He even didn't seem to mind when Isaac added colored water from the water table into his bowl because he thought Winnie the Pooh might like a drink.

Unfortunately, poor old Winnie met his match when four year olds from another class came into my empty classroom to play as their parents talked outside, and the kids decided to add soap to the fish bowl. Turns out fish don't like soapy water. Luckily, the parents felt really badly about letting their kids play in my room, and subsquently kill the fish, so this morning around 8:15 they dropped off an identical fish, and by 9:30 the new fish was swimming around in a clean bowl, and no one knew any better.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Another Year Already?

The last week of 2006 ended with a bit too much partying, and 2007 began with more of the same. I went down to visit Molly in Philadelphia, and it turns out A)Molly still provides "adventures" and B) I'm not 20 years old anymore. I think my body is still trying to recover from that trip.

I made a few new friends in Philly.

This is my new favorite cat, Crunch.

This is my other cat friend, Pepper.

And this is my new favorite Irishman with a drinking problem.

The trip also included a visit to the state penitentary and the Medical Oddities Museum, where I got to see gigantic warts and tumors and fetuses with deformities. Luckily, I only took pictures of the insides of bars.

It was a fun visit. I even got to play on a playground and roll down a hill at 2AM.

And last night, we rang in the new year in style, with Miller Lite from a keg, beirut and flipcup, and a lot of Andre champagne.

At brunch this morning, I made everyone tell their New Years resolutions, so please feel free to share your entertaining ones here. And can you guess whose resolution is to try not to get pregnant?

Happy 2007.