Crazy couple of weeks. I got a teaching job for the summer, and my summer is going to kind of blow, as it's going to be hard and it's also a long commute. But in two months I'll make what I make over the course of about 4 months of preschool. So I'm excited that I don't have to move home quite yet. I also had a job interview in a decent school system. I took the day off for the interview a week and a half ago, and told them I got an eye infection from my contacts. Since my eyes looked perfectly fine, I decided to wear my glasses to work for the remainder of that week. It was awkward. I was asked back for a second interview & to teach a lesson, and had to go into work about 4 hours late during the next week. I told them I had a follow-up visit with my doctor. Luckily, the antibiotics I was on really seemed to do the trick, and I can wear my contacts again.
I turned 25 this weekend too, and I didn't cry. Mostly because I pretended that I was turning 22 and made everyone say that, and I think that after 3 glasses of wine, some girly shot, and a few Miller Lites, I started to believe it. I got the coolest t-shirt ever from Molly, and (inappropriate or not) I wore it out downtown last night.
There are only three weeks left of school for me, but with days off it works out to only 11 days with kids, and one of those includes a full-day field trip to the farm. My class has been absolutely nuts lately though, so if a few of them don't shape up in the next week, I'll be feeding a couple select children to a goat.
I have to go clean up the mozzarella sticks & nachos that seemed like a good idea around 2:30 last night.