It was interesting. We don't have time to have parties, so my kids only got to exchange Valentines during our 10 minutes of recess, but it still resulted in two kids declaring it "the best Valentine's Day ever!!!"
And as for me? I walked around with an interesting assortment of "gifts":
-A giant box of chocolates
-A medium box of chocolates
-A small box of chocolate
-A delicious bag of chocolate
-Delta cookies (those ones that you get on your flight in coach...)
-Roses from 2 kids (one came with a vase and ribbon)
-Mary Kay lipstick
-Peach-scented antibacterial hand lotion
-A chocolate rose
-4 stuffed animals
-Two Valentine's Day pencils
-Two lollipops
-An origami heart
-A dozen or so Jonas Brothers/High School Musical/other teeny bopper Valentine's Day cards
And my favorite, a glass rose, which looks something like this:
It's hard to imagine, but it looks even more awesome in real life.
I don't know what to do with this stuff (minus the chocolate...I've been eating it all morning...)