Welcome to my first drunk blog. Enjoy your stay. Tonight the Union guys arrived to the great city of Boston. It felt just like old times, and it made me miss Union a lot. Tomorrow we party again, only this time at Casa HelenKateStacy.
I took the T over to Brookline, and a nice man at Park station told me something along the lines of Jesus lives, and that I should repent my sins, or die in hell. Then he wished me happy holidays. Now here's the thing. I'm not a big fan of November through December 26th. I'd even go as far as saying I
hate this time of year. I love holidays...I look forward to Halloween, the Fourth of July, and even Groundhog Day gets me somewhat excited. I like getting together with family or friends, eating food, and looking forward to this one special day. I guess it all boils down to a lot of jealousy. To have a holiday that I don't get to celebrate makes for a pretty lousy day. However, our country has turned this holiday into an entire
season, which only prolongs this feeling. Anyway, that's not really the point of this rant. It's the fact that our culture is so obsessed with being politically correct that we are hyper aware of offending ANYone. So rather than say Merry Christmas, most people I know just say "Happy Holidays!" And some of the time, this is OK. It's a nice way of acknowledging the diversity in our country. But most often I find that what we say doesn't always go along with what we do. For instance, I'm a regular watcher of the Today show, and all this week they have a special on getting ready for "The Holidays." So each day they have some expert who shows us how to prepare a "holiday" meal, and pick out the perfect "holiday" outfit. But when you create an outfit that is entirely red and green, perhaps with a little jingle ball to match, or produce a christmas eve dinner, it's not a "holiday" thing--it's christmas. What is the point of making the effort to be PC and say "holidays" when you mean Christmas? If you mean Christmas, then say Christmas. You can say "holidays" all you want, but if you're arranging a holiday flower display out of poinsettias, it has nothing to do with any other celebration besides Christmas. You're not fooling anyone.
I know this is somewhat of a touchy subject. And I'm not sure if other non-Christian people even feel the same way that I do about this Happy Holidays business. But it makes me think...we worry SO much about being politically correct, and
think that we're doing things that make everyone feel comfortable. What have I said or done in order to make myself believe that I'm "politically correct"...