It's happened.
I've created a blog. I've toyed with the idea for awhile since I was introduced to the concept in the fall by
Kate. (Look, I'm even learning html!) My problem with blogs is that they can very easily suck. People write about what they ate for lunch, and even if you unconditionally love the blogger (I've got the lingo too), you probably don't care. Personally, I've been sitting around doing nothing for a good chunk of my 22 1/2 years on this planet, so I'm happy to read about someone else's encounter with a treefrog as they walked to the mailbox earlier that day. However, I'm aware that most other people aren't as fascinated by these types of stories. I also have been told on more than one occassion that I'm a bad storyteller...turns out I have a tendency to tell uninteresting stories. So naturally, I worry that a blog will just allow me to spread these unintersting thoughts and stories to a wider audience. Should I decide to keep up with this blog, I hope you'll
tell me when I get to that point.
My other worry with a blog is that if you don't tell about events in your life, then you tell about your thoughts on some issue A. It doesn't take long for most people to realize that I don't always enjoy sharing my feelings. I'm wondering if I missed that day in kindergarten when we talked about sharing how we feel. Even with some of my closest friends, the people who have seen me when my hair is 10 inches high in the morning, I am still often hesitant to talk about something that's really on my mind. But we'll see...maybe this whole blog idea will be a good way to get out of that rut so that I don't turn into one of those crazy people who straps dynamite to themselves and blows themself up inside an ugly office building.
In the meantime, I'd like to remind you of our party this Saturday. Some of you might be familiar with what happend the last time we here at 9 Acadia hosted a party. It's sure to be a good time.
Those apartment rental experts are friendly AND professional, even at 4am.
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