It all started last night when I decided to ride my bike to class...which meant that I'd be riding it home when class got out somewhere around 10. As I turned onto Acadia Park on my return trip home, I saw that a bunch of people were out on their porch in the apartment next door to mine:
Nice night for a bike ride
Seeing all the guys out there, I decided I wanted to look cool as I hopped off my bike. Why this seemed like a good idea (and how can you even look cool as you get off your bike)..I have no clue. Anyway, I tried to get off my bike too early, while I was still rolling down the sidewalk, and the next thing I know, my foot gets stuck trying to get over the bike and I'm lying on my side on the pavement. And all of the people on the porch just stopped talking.
It's hard to look cool when you fall off your bike.
Oh, and here's a picture of what I think might be the grossest creature on earth--a baby octopus.
If my kid comes out with a see-through head, I don't think I should have to keep it
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