We had a rather nice Halloween party last night. Lots of beer, lots of friends, lots of friends of friends, and LOTS of candy, cupcakes, and cookies with a Halloween theme. The night included an awful version of the drinking counting game (re-re version), Gillian putting on a salmon colored shirt and telling everyone she was a pumpkin, Charlotte and Helen meeting for the first time and after a shy 'hello,' quickly warming up to each other over a British tv show and chatting for a long time, at one point having 25 people crammed in our living room, candy in the bathroom, Kate smiling once or twice even though she hates the day and hates me because I get really excited about it, a ride home from a bar downtown in a limo, and someone in the bar asking if I was dressed as a hot dog.

Tomorrow I'm going to share a story that involves fire and my foot...but I need to upload pictures first to properly tell the story, so I'll leave you with that for tonight.
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