This year involved a lot of the usual traditions for me...watching the parade in my pjs, eating a ton, eating some more until it hurt, and resuming my place on the couch to end the day. Actually, since we stayed home this year, I spent a considerable amount of time on the couch. I think this year will go down on record as one of my laziest Thanksgivings. We already set a good record a few years back for one of the quickest Thanksgiving meals, so that's out of the question for this year.
Our T-day celebration also included the burial of a hamster, who made the trip (post mortem) from Austin. I gather he enjoyed his flight from Texas in my brother's suitcase, as he had been anxiously awaiting (in a plastic bag) a proper funeral service for nearly 2 weeks now.
There's a house near us that has an incredible lights display for Xmas every year, and we took a ride to see it before dessert tonight. Last year they won the best lights award thing from the Today Show, and got a visit from Al Roker, so tonight when we got there we found that a lot of other people had the same idea as us, along with a few news channels.
I feel like a big waste of space.
When I drove to work yesterday, I heard about the "experiment" that one radio station did in honor of today. They put a slab of deli turkey meat in front of a live turkey to see if it would eat it. Turns out, the turkey ate itself. And apparently went nuts over it too. I can't really blame him.
Gobble, gobble.
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