I forgot how much I LOVE jellybeans. When I was 13, the theme of my brother's and my b'nai mitzvah (that's the combination of bar and bat mitzvah since we took the twins card and did ours together, resulting in a lot less studing & stuff) was candy (go figure, right?), so all of the kids who were there got these gumball machines with their name on it which were filled with jellybeans. Prior to filling up all of the gumball machines, my parents bought pounds and pounds and pounds of jellybeans, which they stashed away in our dining room. My brother and I, as a result of growing up in our relatively junkfood-free home during childhood, became rats, poking holes in the bags and slowly eating away at the gumballs when our parents weren't there. Needless to say, I went many many years after that feeling nauseous at the sight of gumballs. Anyway, fast forward 10 years later to this week when I bought a bag at CVS since they were practically giving them away at CVS, and after I gobbled those up Gillin further fed my addiction by buying some really yummy lifesaver brand jellybeans. Those are just about gone too. Those tasty little capsules of sugar are good!!!
In other news of the week, I started drinking coffee! I get nervous about becoming an actual coffee drinker, but I don't really like the taste and it's embarrassing when I ask for 4 equals in a medium coffee, so I'm not too worried about getting my warm shot of caffeine every day and becoming someone who NEEDS their coffee (eg my two roommates). But man, once you make it sweet enough, that stuff makes you feel good! And contrary to my roommates' warnings that I better not drink coffee or they'll come home from work and find me passed out next to the wall that I ran into, I find that I can sit and really focus on my work and get a lot done. I've been wanting to be a coffee drinker for years (see http://tenpoundsofchocolate.blogspot.com/2005/02/cool-people-drink-coffee.html), but it turns out I just wasn't really putting my heart into it. I also like how it makes my hands warm when I hold the hot cup.
Tasty.....I have to go lie down; I ate too many jellybeans :-/
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