I was kind of jittery and had trouble falling asleep last night after watch David Blaine almost die before the most attractive medical team/scuba divers that ABC could find and deck out in spandex pulled him out and saved him from his own trick. So, I was not too thrilled when I woke up around 1:00 to hear the glass of crystal light that I leave by my bed at night smash on the floor, sending shards of broken glass on the floor around my bed and pink (kiwi strawberry--one of my personal favorites!) crystal light spraying all over. As soon as I heard the sound, I woke up and realized that my arm was flailing in the air, which leads me to believe that I knocked it over in my sleep. My night table is a decent stretch from my bed, so I pieced together the idea that I fell asleep with my pillow on my head, got too hot, and was trying to throw the pillow off when the unsuspecting glass of pink juice got in the way.
Let me tell you, that was a hoot to clean up during the night...
...And another night goes by when I don't get nearly enough sleep.
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