If you look closely, you can see me waving out that window, with a corona in my hand
I'm not really sure why I was being sent up to space. I only remember that I was nervous about feeling sick when we got high enough to where there was no gravity. Oh, and I was a little nervous about the seating arrangements on the way up to space. Apparently, the fellow astronauts and myself were allowed to walk freely around the shuttle, up and down the stairs and through the pantry and the game room and all of the other fun stuff, but only once the shuttle had gone high enough up...until then, you had to stay strapped in your seat without moving for 20 hours. For some reason, kate was also on my shuttle, and we found out we had to sit next to each other...we tried explaining that we wouldn't get along if we were sitting together for so long, but the other astronauts just didn't care. Then I walked around the really cool shuttle for awhile longer, and then my alarm clock went off.
And then I spent the morning thinking maybe I should be learning to be an astronaut, instead of a teacher. It was a really fun, short-lived career.
Summer school started today though, which was ok too. I'm still not doing so much since it's too early to start all of my fun reading specialist duties, so it was a lot of collaborating with the other reading specialists in my program and getting to know the kids in my class. Who are, for the most part, really cute. We had a pair of identical twins that I can't tell apart, one girl who covered her face when I tried to get a conversation going with her, and then later cried, and two boys that I think will drive me bonkers, and make me thankful that I'm just the reading specialist and don't have to be in the room all day long. All in all, it should be a decent summer though...especially because in 5 weeks from Friday I am DONE with my master's!
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