Monday, October 09, 2006


I kind of forgot about blogging for a few weeks. I think it's all of the excitement about Halloween. That, and I've been in a sugary haze from buying Halloween candy and then eating most of it before my roommates even get much of a shot. By the way, I'm trying to think of a good Halloween costume, so please let me know if you've got a winner of an idea. I figured two years of being a whoopie cushion was enough. Plus, I let one of the J guys sign it last year. It was among several poor decisions.

I did some massive cleaning today, as my floor was covered in a dirt/plaster film as a result of the construction going on outside my window to build our new porch. I found some old pictures, and I'm going to put them up once I figure out why my scanner's not working. So the whole point of this post is to say "stay tuned."

Thanks to Spaggies for this one

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