Thursday, December 28, 2006


When I invent my own planet with my own customized weather (90 degrees and up for 2 months, 84 degrees for 6 months, 70-75 degrees for 2 months, and blizzard-like conditions for 2 months), I'm also going to redo how banks work. There's going to be an express line, just like there is in the supermarket. In the supermarket, you get to go in a special line if you only have a few things. It should be the same at the bank...if you have something that you know takes 2 minutes or less, then you should be able to stand in a separate line. I had to stand in the line at the bank for 35 minutes, to do something that only took a little over a minute. It made me mad while I watched people hog 5 minutes with the teller.

My new planet will be so cool though. Besides better banking, frosting will be a good source of calcium and contain all the necessary vitamins to keep you strong and healthy.

And in other things that are cool, check out the blow up santa that my neighbors had on their porch:

I realize it's tough to see past the conglomerate of wires that cannot possibly pass any safety codes, but if you look closely you can find santa. The sad part is that during the month of December, the neighbors only had him inflated a handful of times. I checked most nights out my window before I went to bed.

Tomorrow I leave for a mini-road trip. I'm headed to Philly to visit Molly for a couple of days before I make my way to visit Kerrin in Connecticut! Who knew Philadelphia was 6 hours from Boston? Certainly not me. Turns out I was forgetting about NY and NJ. Who needs those states anyway.

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