I haven't blogged in a long time (again) because I've had 80 thousand thoughts going through my head and couldn't decide what to write about, so I wrote about nothing. So, I decided it was time to get my thoughts out, only it's going to come as one big rambling mess right now.
Kerrin's wedding was this weekend. And it was weird, because it was Kerrin! Becoming a wife! And I've known her since we were 7, and I went to her 8th birthday party, which was a "tea party" theme and we had to come in our mom's dresses. Her wedding kind of felt like that--dressing up and pretending and having fun while doing both. But Kerrin looked amazing and the wedding was beautiful and my dress didn't fall down and expose everyone, so I'd consider it a success. Plus, I stayed away from beer all day (minus one in the limo from the church to reception), and I managed to drink steadily for almost 12 hours. I think I'm on to something.
I like this one because it looks like I'm a stunning 5'9". But Caitlin and I are actually the same height--I was just standing on a step with the other two.

Around hour 5 of drinking, a ride on the playground airplane was just about the greatest thing everIn other news, I feel like I'm bipolar these days, or maybe have multiple personalities. I have different thoughts about my new job going through my head about 85% of the day lately. But I go back and forth between "Ohgod-ohgod-ohgod-ohgod-ohgod-ohgod-ohgod-ohgod" to "I think I can do this." But during the "Oh god" stretches, it's a pretty awful feeling. I keep thinking of stuff--some big, some little--that I hadn't even realized I had to do before the first day of school. Like, I should probably put the kids' birthdays up on a door in my room to make it look a little more homey because I'm keeping most of the bulletin boards naked for the beginning of school. And that's easy, but it'll take a little bit of time to write down 46 names and birthdays. Or a bigger project I realized is to sort through all of the books I'm putting in my classroom library and categorize them by content and difficulty. I'm not that familiar with a whole lot of 3rd grade chapter books, so that's going to take way more time than it should.
Finally, I'm so stressed out, and when I get stressed out I don't pick up after myself, which only makes me feel more stressed out.
In case you forgot, I did the same thing during the end of each semester of grad school, as seen below:

Now ordinarily I might make an effort to clean up a bit more so as not to make my roommate jump out the window, Swiffer in hand, but my roommate is off in China for the week. Just like the old pictures above, I've created piles all over the apartment. I've got a pile of books the principal left me about teaching English language learners, another pile with binders of the 3rd grade curriculum in my city, and piles of mail I need to sort through, plus a bag of veggies from my parents' garden, and stuff I haven't unpacked yet from this past weekend. It's a disaster. But I figure that Kate will be so tired from a week without pima, that she won't even notice until the middle of next week. Just as long as the piles don't creep down the stairs to her room.