I've been very sad that summer is ending. It means getting back into a regular routine (for some reason I treated summer school as a pretend job--going to bed late a lot, and getting a little lazy about my teaching), and it also means the sad goodbye to warm weather and summer clothing. Today was my first day back at work, filled with new teacher orientation and training and meetings up until next week's first day of school. While I was getting ready this morning all I could think about was "Oh goddddddd how can summer be done??!?!" (I whined a lot in my head). And I wasn't excited about going back. But then I got there, and hadn't really thought about the fact that I'd see some friends at work who also got new positions over the summer, or the fact that there were a few new teachers at my school that I hadn't met yet. So it turned out to be a lot of fun! Plus, I'm kind of a sucker for corniness, as are many teachers. The superintendent of course realizes this and began his speech with some inspiring message and stories and quotations, and so now I'm all eager to get my students in the room and start changing the world.

But wait. The day gets even better. I decided to do a little bit of work in my classroom after the meetings, and when I got in I found that a brand new rug had been delivered to my room for meetings on the floor (and it's so clean and pretty...)

and all of my classroom supplies had been delivered. I had a gigantic mess of brand new dry-erase markers and erasers, pencils, pink erasers, pens, crayons, staples, tape, and all that other fun stuff. Plus a big pile of 3rd grade composition notebooks (they're red!) and math workbooks (which smell amazing, like new workbooks do).
Clearly I've been on vacation for far too long if this is the kind of stuff that makes my day.
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