In the morning, when I woke to about 9 inches of snow, I mourned over the fact that I no longer drive this beastly thing:
That picture of course is not my car.... but I no longer drive my Explorer because it...
A) Was purple
B) Had several big dents on the top and side from where a tree fell on it last year during a winter storm
C) Had a busted rear bumper from an accident last spring
So now I drive a little red Corolla, and I have no idea how to drive in snow without 4 wheel drive. And I hated the fact that I had to spend a long time actually shovelling my car out of its parking spot. After previous snowstorms, I could just half-shovel out my car, and the beast-ness of of car would get me out of any snow bank.
Eventually I got over missing my old car and went to get a hair cut. And then I spent the rest of the day mourning my hair, or lack thereof. I have pseudo-bangs now. And right before I head to Florida next week to see my entire family who hasn't seen me since I was 13 and again had bangs. Excellent.
More snow again tomorrow. Is it too much to wish for another snow day on Monday, to make this a four-day weekend?
Any possibility of a haircut picture? Please please please pretty please?
I don't have any pictures right now, but picture my hair, but shorter, and not so mullet-ish. Also, the "bangs" didn't look quite so horrific once I washed them and did my usual hair routine. All in all, it turned out not to be so bad.
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