Monday, January 12, 2009

2009 IS A HIT

Welcome to my first post of the new year!

So far, it's been a good year. I've been running into it full speed ahead. I was super-productive last week in work, and came up with a few organizational ideas that I think will help me keep my head from feeling like it's about to fall off each afternoon. Due to a conference, professional development day, MLK Jr. Day, and jury duty, I'll have 4 day weeks almost all the way up until February vacation, and from there we've got the lovely state testing due to No Child Left Behind, and then it's practically the end of the year. I can smell the salty air at the beach already.

On the New Year's Resolutions front, I've been--for once--meeting my goals. I've learned to cook three new things so far this year. My favorite has been these chicken meatball things and a tomato sauce from my new Greek cookbook. I wear my apron everytime I cook, which makes it even more fun.

And my annual resolution to be healthier? I definitely haven't cut down on candy (it's just that there are so many Lindt balls in the apartment...), but just now I got home from...


I have always been so anti-gym because inside is a place where I like to be lazy, and I would so much rather get outside and play and run. But it's been so cold, and the sidewalks have been so icy and snowy and slippery, so I've had excuse after excuse after excuse. I've run maybe three times since my 10K in October. Then I found out that there's a gym really close to me that I didn't know about, and it has a pool! I'm going to start going tomorrow I think, but I'm really nervous. I've never really known much about gym etiquette. Are there rules I should know about? What if I can't figure out how to use those fancy schmancy machines? Is it weird if I don't like to strip down to nothing in the locker room? Do they really mean it when they say you have to shower before going in the pool???