Today "Javier" walked into the classroom and told me that he got something new for his teeth. He didn't use the word retainer, but based on the glimpse he showed me, I assumed that's what it was. He talked funny all morning with it,

and I was a little bit suspicious, but he seemed a little embarrassed by it so I didn't ask to see it. He went to gym with the class, came back, and sat through 45 minutes of literacy before he asked to leave the rug to get a paper towel to put it away since, "The dentist told me I don't need to wear it all day." When he came back to the rug and I realized he had it wrapped up in his pocket, I asked to see it. That's when he began to move a little slower and as he unwrapped it he told me, "The dentist gave me one that looks sort of like a paper clip, I don't know why..."
And sure enough, he had bent and twisted a paper clip and stuck it in his mouth.
My lecture on why you never put paper clips in your mouth (especially for 2.5 hours at school) may have included some graphic details meant as scare tactics.
On a side note, remember how yucky retainers were??
that's kind of cute- even if a little gross! I do remember being in 1st grade though and putting staples on my teeth and trying to pull it off as braces. (Little did I know that I would be getting braces that would RUIN any hope of feeling good about myself at 13...)
I think that's cute though.
You THINK it sounds cute, but it wasn't. This boy irks me day in and day out. A giant part of my lecture included the fact that he lied to me and another teacher about it. That made me almost as upset as the fact he could have choked to death in my class. Maybe that sounds cold, but he's really quite annoying :)
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