How do I know? Afterall, it hasn't snowed more than a few inches, which quickly melted away. My ears haven't burned from coldness in the walk to my car. I have not yet fallen on ice.
I know that winter is here because I ended Halloween season this evening by tossing the remaining 2 pumpkins in the trash, thus bringing on winter. I LOOOOVE Halloween and have a hard time finishing it. I also don't like putting stuff away. Therefore, it was not all that surprising that Halloween decorations adorned the apartment during the holiday apartment last weekend (hey, we called it a "Holiday" party...we didn't say anything about a winter holiday party).

If you look closely on the window sill, you can see the trifecta of holidays, merging as one massive candy/light-up-stuff/sparkly fest--the pumpkins, menorah, and candles for Christmas. And if the camera had turned just slightly left or right, you would see a nutcracker near a Halloween bowl of candy corn, a Christmas village next to rubber duckies in Halloween costumes, and of course the massive tree.
I like having pumpkins in the house; it's all outdoorsy and they hold on to the tiny last bit of summer since I watched them grow all summer. I like how the menorah looks with candles in it, and it smells like childhood when they go out each night. And the apartment always feels kind of empty when the Christmas tree finally gets kicked to the curb sometime in mid-February. Which makes me think, would it really be so bad to keep the symbols of the trifecta of holidays out all year round?
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