Monday, March 22, 2010

Hip Hop Hooray

Yes, that's HIP HOP hooray.

I've found the perfect thing to get my mind off of the little monsters that I call my students. I think about them while I eat dinner. I think about them while falling asleep. I often think of them when I get up, and during the night I tend to plan lessons in my dreams. But twice a week, when I go to my Turbokick class, I get a whole hour where the thought of school does not enter my mind once, and it's fantastic.

My class turned out to be much different from what I expected. I sort of expected more kickboxing, less hip hop. It was the opposite. But I haven't run crying from the room yet. I watch myself doing moves called "Soldier Boy" and "Check your watch" in the mirror, and just giggle at myself. It has set music and we learn a routine to it. In fact, here's the part we learned last week:

FYI, that very first move right after the sirens is the move that we call "Check your watch." Doesn't it look like that's what they're doing? This is week 4 out of 8. The teacher said we can wear costumes when we learn the whole thing, but I think she might have been kidding.

Just in case, though, I'm hunting for a sequin hat and some black high tops. And perhaps a new set of students.

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