As I've been babysitting the past few weeks, I'm realizing you grow up very differently if you're being raised by parents who live in Beacon Hill and can afford to do charity work as opposed to a paying job, compared to growing up in say, Londonderry, NH. For one, you have to take a lot of classes. The five month old I take care of is currently enrolled in a music class and a swim class. Meanwhile, he still can't keep his drool under control. And there's a toddler I've been watching over break who takes Spanish classes. She's 20 months old. She calls me TeeSee. I'm pretty sure she's not becoming bilingual.
The other difference is that these kids don't consume anything that's not organic. This summer I was a nanny for a family on Nantucket.

We enjoyed organic bread, yogurt, cheezit-type crackers, and grapes. Actually, the grapes were good. I found I missed the preservatives in bread though. A baby and a preschooler I've sat for here eat organic bread, peanut butter, and cheese...the soon-to-be bilingual toddler feasts on organic noodles and crackers, and the Beacon Hill baby has his formula mixed with bottled water while he enjoys his organic baby cereal. It's weird. I think I came out OK, and I'm pretty sure I didn't know about organic food until I was at least 17. Of course I'll probably drop dead at 30, while these organic babies live to the ripe old age of 128.
I liked the title of
this story.
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