You know what else blows my mind? Realizing that my first "celebrity crush" is 35. Jordan Knight. He was cool. Not only was he easily the cutest guy in New Kids on the Block, but he had an earring, which obviously made him badass. And his birthday is the day before mine, plus 12 years. Clearly, in my 7 or 8 year old mind, we were meant to be together. I had a Joey McIntyre poster in my room, but only because my friend Liz gave it to me at my birthday party in 3rd grade. I had enough pins, night gowns, and collecting cards to prove that Jordan had a special place in my heart.
I wasn't just randomly thinking about Jordan Knight today. I saw a VH1 special, and he was one of the people adding some comments to the subject, like on Best Week Ever. I didn't even recognize him until his name popped up on the screen.
Then: Second from right. I used to make fun of people who liked Danny, to the right of Jordan
Now:His lucrative career draws a new set of 9 year old girls
I don't really like seeing pictures of celebrities who look a lot older than I remembered them. It throws me off. I don't really feel any different than I did 10 years ago, but seeing pictures of a celebrity that's gone gray or has a few more wrinkles reminds me that I too have aged that same amount. It's not that I dislike getting older--eventually it will be nice to have a house and a husband and a dog and kids--but the idea of almost being in my mid 20s is so so strange. I swear 22 feels exactly the same as 12. It's just hard to make myself believe that it's already 2005. And that I'll be celebrating my 3rd annual 21st birthday in a couple of months. Where does the time go.
Losure greets every birthday with a big smile and lots of alcohol
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