I'm actually so bored I don't have any motivation to do anything to alleviate the boredom. I'm not sure how I spent the time in between babysitting and getting ready for bed. But I can tell you:
-I didn't clean the bathroom
-I didn't return library books
-I didn't return clothes at the mall
-I didn't walk a block down to CVS to buy some stuff (not plan B)
-I didn't get a parking permit
-I didn't make a yummy & exciting new meal
-I didn't mail the bills that were due
-I didn't take care of the imminent avalanche in my closet
-Or the growing mountain on and underneath my desk.
-I didn't do 9 other things that were on my dry erase board
God I suck.
Just one more week and I then can complain that I hate having to be in class.
This weekend was our grand return to
Union. And my first ReUnion as an alum did not disappoint...

the highlight was possibly finally getting to ride the golf cart across campus, which are reserved just for visiting alumni. Easily worth the 35 grand times 4. But I also got beer at a bar that only cost $2, lied out in the sun in Jackson's gardens, played beirut, got drunk before 5:30, and stayed up until 4:30. I was also reminded of how preppy people can actually be at Union. Somehow seeing the guy that sits at the CVS a block away from my apartment, playing buckets like drums, and yelling "Four pennies and a nickel? Two dimes and a penny?" tends to make you forget about pink popped-collared shirts. Friends made bets as to how many people my roommate would hook up with, and I got drunk at Gepetto's and announced to people I barely knew, and hadn't seen in a year, that my roommate had to get Plan B because of our broker. Then I showed them pictures from my phone.

I drove by Tam's Laundy and Tanning, and realized there were so many things that I never fully took advantage of during my time in Schenectady. I got a birthday cake that Losure, Heekin, and Josh frosted with their own recipe that involved lots of grape Kool-Aid. I saw people I hadn't thought about in a year, and will probably never see again. I watched the alumni weekend fireworks for probably the last time in awhile. And I saw most of the people that made my time at Union a blast...some I've seen nearly every week since I left, and others I haven't seen since graduation.
I miss Union...I miss the campus, the people (well, some), the cheap beer, the class schedule that allowed for naps and frisbee-playing, and the constant activities that made it feel like big-kid camp. I don't know whether the nostalgia is more because I know I'll never have that same experience again, or because I ate 6 rolls of Smarties and some Sour Patch Kids, and my sugar high has now hit rock bottom, resulting in a general lethargic feeling. I have a feel it's a combination of both. I must go pass out.
The good times. Back when we were young. Forties (and probably a wine cooler) by the flag pole
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