Thursday, June 23, 2005

Chocolaty Goodness

I'm watching the Sox game as I write a paper (which some might argue is not the most efficient way to get work done--nor is blogging at the same time ideal in producing my standard high quality work in a short period of time). There's this player on the Indians named Coco Crisp. I had the game on the other night as I folded laundry, and I could've sworn I heard the announcer talk about Coco Crisp's at-bat, and then had to ask myself whether I was taking crazy pills again. But no, sure enough, this guy actually goes by the name Coco Crisp.

I was going to put up side by side images of the cereal and the man, but somebody already did it for me

I'm not sure what the deal is...whether it's the name given to him by his parents with a good sense of humor(hey, I happen to know a Mr. Peter The Sage), or if he made his first million and then had the very difficult decision of renaming himself either Coco Crisp or Count Chocula. Personally, I think being a Count would be a lot cooler.

You what else is funny? Well, perhaps I'll just show you a picture:

And more is always better:

This is a coat that Caitlin's mom owned in the 80s, and I think she actually even wore it in public. Now, Caitlin just breaks it out when someone looks sad, or at important events, like here at her graduation party last month. It's hard to tell in the picture, but aside from the zebra print lining and beautiful star pattern, the jacket features tassels on the sleeves and in the center of the back, and has sleeves that are baggier than a sleeve should ever be on the upper arm, gradually tapering towards the wrist, creating a sort of "wing" effect.

What's the point of this post? I don't really know, but I do feel sort of bad for letting you waste the last 3 minutes of your life.

Compliments to Miss Whitney for the gorgeous pictures of a not so photogenic coat. I'm going to find some chocolate cereal.

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