I actually don't mind having to wake up early on Monday (or this week on Tuesday) since it's the first day of the week that I have to get up early. At the end of the week it's a totally different story, but I'm usually all caught up in sleep so Mondays aren't bad. But last night it took me
forever to fall asleep. And there's more to it than that. Being that we live in Somerville, our trash is subject to people picking through it for cans and bottles. Since my room has windows that face the street, I can hear it pretty well. And it tends not to bother me except for this morning, when I heard someone picking out glass bottles and dropping them one by one into something rattle-y sounding AT 5:55 IN THE MORNING. NOT EVEN SIX O'CLOCK AM!! WHO DOES THAT?!?!? I was so angry I couldn't sleep. I just boiled under my covers listening to the not so gentle "PLINK...PLINK....PLINK....RUSTLE RUSTLE (when he stirred the bottles up to make sure I could still hear him)....PLINK...PLINK...RUSTLE....PLINK. Needless to say I wasn't a very happy camper when my alarm clock went off at 6:36 (I have a thing with setting alarms at 5's or 10's.
I support this so much more between the hours of 8am and 10pmThen I went off and spent way too much time with people under three years old. Even I'm sick of hearing myself sing, and that's saying something.
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