But he didn't play my favorite song, so I was sad.
I also won tickets (in the same contest) to see him open for OAR tonight. But sadly I had class, and reeeeaaalllly wanted to skip it and go, but decided it was too early in the semester to waste my one skip.
So I sat in class hating learning, hating thinking, hating Gillian and Kate because I gave them the tickets (sorry gill and beta, but it's true). I hate the class, which is unfortunate because I realized in the past week--the first week of my reading specialist classes--that I don't really want to be a reading specialist. At least not for like 20 years, which is much more than the original 4 or 5 years I originally planned on waiting. It's not a fun feeling because I thought I knew for the past 4ish years exactly what I wanted to be doing in life, besides going to the beach a lot. I learned in my first week of the semester last week that I don't really like a lot of the things that reading specialists do, and I don't think I'd be that good at it. I stressed out all week because the class, and my hatred for the class, and because of my concern that I'm wasting the next 8 months of time and money learning how to be something I might never be. Instead, I could have applied for my teaching licensure a few months ago and even teaching right now. I suppose in the long run it won't really be a big deal. Even if I never ever in my life become a reading specialist, it should still (hopefully) help me get a job in the classroom in the fall, and (hopefully) get me a higher salary. But for now, it's going to be a really miserable 3 1/2 months.
Sorry Kate and Gillian. I'll buy you presents. Do you like M&Ms?
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