I always see on the news that Bin Laden or someone else posted a new video on the internet ("Death to America, blah blah blah"), and I want to know how I get on the Al Qaeda website. Can I get directly on the website that Bin Laden blogs on? I'm not sure why I have some fascination with it, but I do. Oddly, a google search for "Al Qaeda offical website" turned up nothing, but I did find what apparently used to be their website a few years ago, though now when you get to the website, it just says "Hacked, Tracked, and now Owned by the USA"
Where can I see the webcasts for myself? And can I post messages for Osama to answer??
So, I've worked for 4 days (in a row!) and I'm kind of over the whole thing. I'm on two "teams" at school, which is kind of exciting since I haven't been on a team since broomball. I like all of the reading specialists that make up one of my teams, and we all knew each other before anyway so that's fun, but the professor that we work with is, in my opinion, a big dumb animal. I know I'm guilty of sitting through meetings/class and having my eyes glaze over, but I feel like she spends a greater percentage of time in the glazed-over state, than in the conscious and alert state. Then, if you talk to her, she repeats your question with her eyes closed at least 2 times. Plus, today she pretended she was 5 years old while I had to assess her. It was so much more fun playing school when I was 7...I felt a little stupid.
Next week all the kids come though! I can't wait to see their faces when they realize their parents did not in fact sign them up for 6 weeks of camp, and swimming, soccer, and ice cream parties, but instead for 6 weeks of school. It's going to be fun! Reading, writing, math....all through the summer!!!!!!