But then after dinner, we reverted to our high school selves, and made good use of Caitlin's gigantic living room. From the moment I walked into Caitlin's new apartment, I knew it was perfect for cartwheels.
Caitlin's having a big summertime bash on July 8th, by the way, and you're invited. (Caitlin said so).
I think the return of spring weather made me very eager to be 8 years old again during most of the weekend. After lunch today, Josh, pete and I took over a playground in Coolidge Corner, and played some wiffle ball and tag (with a lava pit) on a monkey bar fire engine in the playground.
And then.....THE ICE CREAM TRUCK CAME!!!!!
We...er, Pete, bought us ice cream, and we sat in the front seat of a fire engine enjoying our popsicles until a real fire truck drove by and one of the fire fighters leaned out to tell us that we were too old to be doing that.
It's all making me very excited for summer. Minus the working. Two more weeks of vacation. I think I'm going to the beach tomorrow.
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