My other question is why when that horse Barbaro break his leg did people hold up signs when he was being carted away? Stuff like "We love you Barbaro" and things along that line? Barbaro can't read. And Barbaro doesn't even know that the signs are for him.
In between napping/reading on the beach and making scavenger hunts for my 3 year old buddy, I've been working on getting some job applications out this week. My mom has been bugging me to apply to the school that she works at because she knows of a position there. I really don't want to work in that school unless it was my only option (and I was offered a job there to begin with). It would be way too uncomfortable because a)My mom works there, and b)I attended that school from 1989 to 1992. Some of my old teachers still work there and it would be too weird. My mom knows that I don't want to work there, and has been pushing me to apply because, so she says, it's one more place to apply to, and even if I don't want to work there it'll be good interviewing practice. And I agree on both of those points.
However, she has been nagging me so much that I think she has alterior motives. I know that two teachers who are already working in the school as paraprofessionals are applying for the job, and my mom doesn't really like either of these two people, and thinks they're both lousy teachers. I have a strong suspicion that she just wants to see if I get offered the job over the two people she doesn't like. Which I'm guessing won't happen anyway, but it's all very awkward.
All in all I give the past weekend my seal of approval. I was napperific on Friday night and didn't really feel like going out, but after about 29 texts from Kate I hauled it over to Copley where her coworkers were helping to wrack up at $200 bill with lemondrop shots and lots and lots of coors light.
Then last night Lucas & Jeremy had a going away party for Puker before he ships off to Chinese bootcamp and then off to the land of communism & dog-eating. We eventually made our way over to BHP, which was packed more than usual since the bouncer told us as we walked in that he didn't feel like starting a line to have people enter, and asked us just not to start any fires since they were way over capacity. I got caught up staring at some bimbo girl wearing a sailor-style (complete with that bib thing) dress/shirt, and lost Kate and caitlin, only to find them parked in front on MartyBen at the bar, and Kate snapping pictures of her favorite bartender "in action" with her new Razr.
And then I have to give a big thank you to Gillian, who graciously woke up when we called her in Davis Square after we got to our apartment and realized neither of us brought our keys out and we didn't Gillian's key to get in. So thanks, we've got your back the next time you lock yourself out.
I'm off to get my nap blanket & crystal light, and camp myself in front of the sox game.
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