Thursday, August 16, 2007


I've got this boy in my class this summer who I'll call Teddy. Teddy's 11, he's very cute, and he likes to have the back of his neck scratched. He likes Barney, Sesame Street, and he LOVES Teletubbies. He is crazy about meatballs and chicken. Teddy is definitely autistic though. He has a pretty hardcore obsession with watching people walk in flip flops, and he has just a few phrases that he says. This summer he's been working on things like counting how many spoons are in a pile, or sorting out pictures of girls, boys, and himself.

But Teddy is pretty amazing on the computer. Still, I was completely shocked on Monday when Teddy was using up his free choice time on the computer, and all of a sudden I heard a song that was not at all like the sesame street songs I usually hear him playing. I went over to find out what he was doing, and saw that Teddy had gone onto Youtube, and found this:

Teddy was extremely thrilled with himself, as were two other kids, who looked on, mesmorized, at the jackpot that Teddy had found online. Since then, all week, anytime Teddy earned computer time, he's been on youtube, searching out teletubbies. I've caught him finding Teletubbies videos that range from "YMCA" to "Shake That Ass Bitch," which sadly I had to ask him to turn off. It was awfully good though.

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