On Saturday, I went to Caitlin's dad's 50th birthday bash, which just reminded me how lame my family is. It was pretty nice sitting around, chatting with the Medway girls for hours, sipping on Sam Summers and chowing down on good bbq food.
We're a pretty hot group.
And Sunday I did a little reading in my pool lounger, and then headed off to a Pete Yorn concert! Pete was, once again, amazing. But it was way different from the other PY concert I went to, and it was all due to the fact that Pete Yorn opened for Crowded House. Don't know them? Sure you do. They had the 80s one-hit-wonder, "Hey now, HEEEEY NOW, don't dream it's over..." So, Kate and I were easily one of the youngest people, and enjoyed being in the company of people in their 40s and 50s who were thrilled to relive their 20s and 30s for once magical evening.
Here's Pete. Our seats were awesome, but my camera isnt:
Look! He's playing his harmonica in a song I really like.
Here's Crowded House, singing I song I didn't know:
We sat there in our chairs, drinking $8 beers during the Crowded House portion of the evening, while people that were our parents' contemporaries were standing up, singing along, and giving us mean glances like they wanted us to stop saying bad things about their favorite band, or at least use quieter voices. Oddly, they didn't seem to appreciate each time Crowded House began the introduction to a new song, which we of course didn't know, and Kate and I just started singing:
Kate:"There is freedom within..."
Me:"There is freedom without..."
Together!: "Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup."
I don't even get what the lyrics mean. But Kate tells me it's about the Berlin Wall going down?
Then the night changed when they played "Don't dream it's over," and we were definitely not ashamed to stand up and sing along. The Australian group of guys sitting near us, who thought that Crowded House, being that they're an Australian band, were just about the coolest thing ever, turned around during our favorite song and asked if we were huge fans. So we got a picture with one of them. His neck was thicker than my leg.
Here's Kate, singing along:
Don't laugh. If you were there, you would've sung along as well. It was pretty awesome.
BUT. The best part of the weekend was finding out Saturday night that my brother and Katherine got engaged!! I am so happy for them, but wish that they would move up their wedding plans to like, September. That's not too much to ask now, is it? Anyway, congrats Eric & Katherine!! I need some updated pictures of you I realized.
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