-Given somewhere around 50 hugs. Some students didn't give hugs, but others went for seconds.
-Used a "firm voice" to tell my students their behavior was completely ridiculous and unacceptable for the last day of school.
-Canceled one of the fun games I had planned yesterday for the last day because my students were behaving so unacceptably.
-Gave my students a pencil, and eraser, an envelope, and my home address so they can write me a letter this summer and don't forget everything about letter writing that I taught them this year.
-Told two students, "No, you cannot visit my house this summer now that you have my address. But you can write me a letter! And you can visit my classroom when you're in 4th grade!"
-Got my class' results for our No Child Left Behind state testing for the reading portion. Found out my class did awesome, at least relatively speaking. The scores would probably be horrifying for an affluent, English-speaking district, but in my district the scores were pretty good. My students were great, and they worked their butts off (not counting our miserable day yesterday).
-Emptied out every single cabinet/closet/bookshelf in my classroom.
-Put the contents from every single cabinet/closet/bookshelf into boxes.
-Moved said boxes to my new classroom. Built up muscle. Do you know how heavy math textbooks are?
-Unpacked the boxes and then repacked their contents into new cabinets/closets/bookshelves in my new classroom.
-Decided my new classroom has a much nicer view outside than my old classroom.
-Received a dozen red roses from student G., a dozen white roses from E., and assortment of flowers from K., and gorgeous peonies (my new fave flower recently) from my very sweet roommate.
-Received a whoopie pie (also from very sweet roommate) that looked like cookie monster eating a cookie. I would have taken a picture, but I have since destroyed it with a fork and my mouth.
-Got a round of applause from some of my school's students at the teacher appreciation luncheon today, and a trophy from the parents. It's spending the summer in my desk so I don't forget to put it in a prominent place on my desk next year!
-Ate some really, really yummy Central and South American food made by parents at the luncheon and decided I need someone from that region to adopt me and cook for me. I looove pupusas and tamales!
-Finished being a first year teacher. Thank god.
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