Last weekend at Chris and Beth's wedding, Zabe told me that she and Chris decided they didn't want their priest marrying them next month. Instead, they asked her uncle to do the ceremony. He agreed, and was ordained online through the Universal Life Church. I got home, thought it sounded cool, got on my computer, and a few forms later I became a reverand. I can do weddings, last rites, and a few other things that I can't remember. I just can't do circumcision, which is fine because I don't really want to. Let me know if you need me at your wedding. If you want, maybe I could do some interpretive signing for some of your hard of hearing guests?
Check it out:
I stayed up too late watching the Emmy's. They weren't too exciting though because I realized I don't watch too many quality shows that were nominated. Oddly, Laguna Beach and Real World weren't up for any Emmy's. I did however watch a little bit of the pre-show on E. I'm a sucker for the red carpet. Earlier in college I used to like to watch "The View" if I didn't have class in the morning. I haven't seen it in a while though, so I was ill-prepared for the dramatic shrinkage that took place with Star Jones. Her body is about 100 pounds thinner I'd guess, but her head appears to be about the same size. It's sort of freaky. The second picture wasn't actually from last night, it might have been a year ago, so imagine the body even smaller but still the Shrek-like head.
And after.
And this one was just too good to pass up
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