You know when you were little, and you got to be at the front of the line when you went to lunch or gym or something? Or when the teacher let you call on someone to answer? I'm finding that's one of the coolest things about teaching. I always get to lead the line out to recess or to art. And even though I'm 17 years older than them, it's still lots of fun. And standing there with 15 pairs of eyes looking at me, and picking one to write their best lowercase "h" on the chalkboard...well, that's a lot of fun too.
I'm slowly starting not to mind this whole "working 5 days a week" thing as much, though I'm still annoyed on principle with the fact that I'm actually paying to work. That seems wrong. Yet so right. No wait, just wrong. I did some fun things this week...I learned a new math game, sang a new song about spreading sunshine and joy, and I taught a lesson on telling time to the hour, which was funny because I couldn't tell time on a clock with hands until around 6th grade. And it wasn't until sometime in high school when I could sort of smoothly.
I'm listening right now to Kate's side of the phone conversation with Losure, who is about to experience his first hurricane out in Texas. I was getting the idea from my hours in front of the weather channel that the storm was going more north and not that direction inland. But from what I can tell through Kate's conversation, I think Losure decided to self-evacuate himself, as he is currently getting his pillow and blanket set up to sleep in the computer lab. And isn't drinking tonight...opting instead to stock up on food.
Godspeed, Losure.
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