It's still a little too early to tell, but first grade might be killing me. In a good way though. My alarm clock goes off at quarter of 7 and my first thought is "oh goddddd I can't do this
again," which sort of makes me nervous since this week we only had kids for 3 days. But once I'm at school, it's been good.

The class is great....there's only 15 kids and it's probably the cutest class I've ever seen. Not an ugly or fat one to be found. We've got E., who announced on the first day that he can do square roots, and then clarified to say that he actually used to know three but he thinks he forgot one. M., who's the cutest kid but chatters away, and J. who, when he takes a break from getting off-task and drawing army pictures, wants to know why Molly talks so fast. There's S., who is a poster child for ADD and ADHD, but says at least twice during our meetings that he loves school. And today I saw him unable to find one of his markers in his marker box, and question the other three children in his group with, "C'mon, who touched my markers? Be cool, y'all." We've got another boy who, when asked to make a guess at the end of a story of what the character's mother was thinking, replied, "What the hell?"
So if I don't drop by the end of next week, I think I'll have a good few months there. If only they'd let me wear sweatpants.
This is where I spend my days
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