Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hey, we're those creepy old alumni

I'm actually so bored I don't have any motivation to do anything to alleviate the boredom. I'm not sure how I spent the time in between babysitting and getting ready for bed. But I can tell you:
-I didn't clean the bathroom
-I didn't return library books
-I didn't return clothes at the mall
-I didn't walk a block down to CVS to buy some stuff (not plan B)
-I didn't get a parking permit
-I didn't make a yummy & exciting new meal
-I didn't mail the bills that were due
-I didn't take care of the imminent avalanche in my closet
-Or the growing mountain on and underneath my desk.
-I didn't do 9 other things that were on my dry erase board

God I suck.

Just one more week and I then can complain that I hate having to be in class.

This weekend was our grand return to Union. And my first ReUnion as an alum did not disappoint...the highlight was possibly finally getting to ride the golf cart across campus, which are reserved just for visiting alumni. Easily worth the 35 grand times 4. But I also got beer at a bar that only cost $2, lied out in the sun in Jackson's gardens, played beirut, got drunk before 5:30, and stayed up until 4:30. I was also reminded of how preppy people can actually be at Union. Somehow seeing the guy that sits at the CVS a block away from my apartment, playing buckets like drums, and yelling "Four pennies and a nickel? Two dimes and a penny?" tends to make you forget about pink popped-collared shirts. Friends made bets as to how many people my roommate would hook up with, and I got drunk at Gepetto's and announced to people I barely knew, and hadn't seen in a year, that my roommate had to get Plan B because of our broker. Then I showed them pictures from my phone. I drove by Tam's Laundy and Tanning, and realized there were so many things that I never fully took advantage of during my time in Schenectady. I got a birthday cake that Losure, Heekin, and Josh frosted with their own recipe that involved lots of grape Kool-Aid. I saw people I hadn't thought about in a year, and will probably never see again. I watched the alumni weekend fireworks for probably the last time in awhile. And I saw most of the people that made my time at Union a blast...some I've seen nearly every week since I left, and others I haven't seen since graduation.

I miss Union...I miss the campus, the people (well, some), the cheap beer, the class schedule that allowed for naps and frisbee-playing, and the constant activities that made it feel like big-kid camp. I don't know whether the nostalgia is more because I know I'll never have that same experience again, or because I ate 6 rolls of Smarties and some Sour Patch Kids, and my sugar high has now hit rock bottom, resulting in a general lethargic feeling. I have a feel it's a combination of both. I must go pass out.

The good times. Back when we were young. Forties (and probably a wine cooler) by the flag pole

Friday, May 13, 2005


Until Molly reminded me, I totally forgot that this is the month of Skankfest, appropriately named by Molly last year because my birthday fell around Union's springfest weekend, and since Molly calls me Skanky Gross, it was an obvious name for the week between springfest and my birthday. And then it sort of became the whole month of May, which was fine with me because I liked having my own month. Molly even made me a really cool fluourescent t-shirt that said Skankfest 2004. But then my washing machine ate off all the letters. So anyway, Happy Skankfest to you and yours, and thanks for reminding me of ths joyous month Molly!

I've been out of commission for the past week and a half since it was the end of the semester, and god forbid I do work more than 36 hours before it's due. But I am free for a few weeks until my summer classes begin, with not much to do besides hang out with the 2nd graders and stroll around Beacon Hill with Henry. Now I'm seeing what I missed with the Union trimesters...this is sort of nice being out the second week of June. I have a slight suspicion I'll be bored by Monday afternoon.

In honor of my bedbug-loving roommate, I offer you this. Mmmmmm.

I bet they taste good covered in chocolate.

I am off Logan to head to the wonderful city of Cleveland. Enjoy Skankfest AND Friday the 13th.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


I've been waiting for this day since 04-04-04. I just wish I had more stuff to write today's date on.

My question to you, on this very special day, is--what is wrong with people? I have Maury on (I swear I'm not watching, I needed some background noise on while I do work), and the title of this episode is, "Is my prom date my baby's father?" Enough said.
Example 2: Earlier I saw a commercial for one of those tv malpractice lawyers...who thinks it's actually a good idea to get your lawyer by calling 1-800-CALLJIM?

And example number 3, yesterday I was walking down the sidewalk in Porter Square, and a little kid hit me as I walked by him.
Just stuck his arm out and slapped my leg. And not a baby in a stroller either, a walking, talking 4 year old. But then, his dad didn't even do anything..just said "hey" to his kid....not even with a tone like, "You don't hit random people on the street."

In other news, my feet are almost fully recovered from my 20 mile stroll through Boston, Brookline, Newton, Watertown, and Cambridge this past Sunday. The steady rain through the first 3 1/2 hours of it only added to the enjoyment, but overall it wasn't too bad at all. Thanks to Kristen for the pictures!

looking hot in the rain at the halfway point..don't let the shorts fool you though, it was freezing

Kristen smells the finish line...in 5 more miles

...and I did the whole thing without beer, see?