Monday, October 30, 2006

It's like Christmas eve but better

I realize that this is like my third Halloween-related post in a row, but I am serious about my love for Halloween. We, err I, decked out the apartment with Halloween candles, glowing pumpkins and skulls, glow in the dark ducks in costume, skeleton lights, and other miscellaneous decorations on Saturday morning. We baked and decorated Halloween cupcakes, and refilled all of our bowls of candy. Kate broke out the whiskey and warmed up the apple cider, and then we were good to go.

And then we celebrated! We had some good costumes...Fidel Castro, who was looking healthier than he has in some time (and was asked about his health by a concerned T rider later on that night), a Walmart greeter, Betty Boop, a Jetson, a redneck, Superman, and a beer wench, among others. And we had a few (cough cough Kate cough Gillian) who refused to wear a costume. I wore my original girl scout uniform from 5th grade, but then felt like I had on way too much clothing when we went downtown later on in the night.

I'm a little disappointed that we don't get to do anything with Halloween at my school tomorrow, which I think is mildly lame. I kind of want to wear my Halloween socks (ghouls gone wild) but I don't have any shoes that will keep my orange socks from showing. So instead, I'm planning on bringing some Halloween candy for lunch, along with a Halloween napkin.

Off to bake some pumpkin seeds!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I made applesauce, again!

I like seeing kids and adults in Halloween costumes. But you know what I like even more? Seeing animals in Halloween costumes. Like this:

We used to dress up my dog in a Halloween costume...for about 4 years in a row (the costume was on the pricey side) my golden retriever Samantha was a ballerina. The costume had a tu-tu and even fake arms so she looked sort of like a human with a dog head. She spent all of Halloween night trying to claw it off, but we knew that she really liked pretending she was a ballet dancer for one night a year.

Yesterday one of my students spit at me when he was upset at me. Today at work I got a letter from him that read something along the lines of "Dear Stacy, I'm so sorry I spit at you, and I'm going to try very hard not to do that again. Love Matthew"

It was great. What other job can you get letters like that??

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I made applesauce!

It's an exciting time.

I finally have my Halloween costume figured out. It was a stressful few weeks, with lots of trips to Target and even the nice costume stores all resulting in me coming home with more candy but no costume. But I'm pretty happy about it now. I just need a few more props and I'm good to go. I think it'll be fun being something other than a woopie cushion this year.

The excitement continued at work, too. This week, we got a class fish. It's red, and floats around all day. I'm pretty sure it'll be floating belly-up within 10 days. For one, it's on a diet, because I keep forgetting to pick a kid to feed it. And it's in a little bowl with a big opening, so I've caught a few kids experimenting by putting their hands in it. Today Isaac decided to pour some water from our water table (which has blue green food coloring in it) into the fish bowl "to give Winnie the Pooh a drink." So now the fish has water the color of the water at mini-golf places.

Then, since we're learning all about fish this week, I made part of the room to look like the ocean. We painted a little fish scene on the window, and hung up some ocean and fish art projects we did this week. I'm telling you, pre-school is the place to be these days.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I don't like cats. They walk in their litter boxes and then jump on tables, counters, and your face. They scratch you. They try to scratch you if they don't have claws. They make my eyes itch. They don't play with you like dogs do. You can't put them on a leash and take them for a walk, unless you're my neighbor and want to just look dumb. And they're not even very cute once they're older than a month.

You'll probably find this website funnier if you share my opinion of cats, but I think even cat-lovers might enjoy it. Take a look at stuff on my cat. Who thinks of these ideas for websites?

Monday, October 09, 2006


I kind of forgot about blogging for a few weeks. I think it's all of the excitement about Halloween. That, and I've been in a sugary haze from buying Halloween candy and then eating most of it before my roommates even get much of a shot. By the way, I'm trying to think of a good Halloween costume, so please let me know if you've got a winner of an idea. I figured two years of being a whoopie cushion was enough. Plus, I let one of the J guys sign it last year. It was among several poor decisions.

I did some massive cleaning today, as my floor was covered in a dirt/plaster film as a result of the construction going on outside my window to build our new porch. I found some old pictures, and I'm going to put them up once I figure out why my scanner's not working. So the whole point of this post is to say "stay tuned."

Thanks to Spaggies for this one