Thursday, November 05, 2009

A funny

I tell a lot of stories that involve me being stressed at work (and before and after and on weekends) but this is a funny one.

I have a kid with hearing aids who also needs an FM system. She plugs little pieces into her hearing aids, and I wear a special thing that has a mini-microphone attached, and it amplifies my voice and blocks out other noise for her. I have to set it to a certain channel, otherwise she can't hear me.

The other day I was teaching a lesson when one of my annoying boys would not stop talking about wrestling with his reading partner. I had to stop in the middle of the lesson to speak with him, so I was wearing the FM system still. Well apparently there's a kid on the other side of my school who ALSO has an FM system to help him hear his teacher, and it's set to the same channel. So in the middle of his lesson, he raised his hand and told his teacher "I can't think because someone is talking about wrestling!"

We're working it out with the audiologist.

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