Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Monday Monday Monday

In honor of yesterday being opening day for the sox, I give you this link, with pictures of how Johnny Damon spent the offseason. He may not be the most eloquent speaker, but he sure does have pretty hair and can party better than most 22 year olds I know.

I have a lot to do in the next month and a half, which makes me sad because I like doing nothing. This weekend I spent a little too much time playing what could be considered inappropriate drinking games about the Pope, Frank Perdue, and Terri Schiavo, though I like to think that we played them more as a tribute to their lasting legacy. No? Now though I have lots of work to catch up on, and not enough sleep to do it on, which makes me do dumb stuff like forget to get off the T at porter square and keep going until I realize I'm at Davis Square.

My new box of Cheerios had a prize in it this morning though, which kind of makes up for it...but I still don't understand why food needs "prizes" to make them enjoyable.

"Instead of number 16, cluck like a chicken and flap your wings in the direction of the next person"

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