Sunday, June 24, 2007

I hate it when Bon Jovi songs get stuck in my head.

Well, I'm back from an only mildly painful trip to Florida to visit family. There was enough familial gossipping and bickering to keep me north of Washington DC for at least 16 months. I did spellcheck and can assure you that I have the correct spelling of gossipping, despite how funny it looks.

I ran my third 5K race this morning, which was exciting for me, who refused to run a mile during the fitness tests in high school, and instead walked the track with my friends. Granted, it's only 5K, but now I'm starting to think about bigger and better things. We'll see. It starts to get hot in late June, and I start to slack off on running. Oh! And Bill Rogers ran this morning too! And I finished before him! It's partly because I ran in the 5K part of the race, and he ran in the 7.5 mile part. But it's also partly because I ran like the wind. (On a just slightly breezy day.)

AND, in other big news, I start my summer job tomorrow. Tomorrow I have teacher orientation and meet the assistants in my classroom, go over some lesson planning, and read some paperwork for my kids, and then the first day of summer school starts for my four autistic middleschoolers and me on Tuesday. I'm nervous though, because I'm the teacher this time (with my own desk!), and I'm worried it'll be pretty obvious, pretty quickly, that I have no clue what I'm doing. Whatever, I wasn't the one to hire me.

I can't get Bon Jovi's new song about making memories out of my head. It's a pretty bad song.

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