Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Shipping off to Boston

On Sunday night I knew that the Sox were going to win and go on to the World Series when I found my watch in the washing machine. It had been missing for almost a week, and it stresses me out to not know the time constantly, so I knew things were headed up when it turned up there.

Anyway, I know I haven't blogged for a month and a half. But the idea has made me hold my hands to my neck and feel like I'm going crazy, so stop bothering me now that I am.

In the past month...

I came close to throwing children in my class out the window at least 24 times. My class is so bad. It makes me hate children. At least children under 5. My devil child who speaks only french and hebrew has decided he loves to run up to other kids when they're standing and waiting at the door, and crash into them to smush their faces into the glass. He also keeps trying to climb a tree on the playground to escape, and he has a grip of steel so I have a hard time pulling him off of the tree.

I got a new apartment! I've been slowly moving somethings in, but I move in officially this weekend. I'm excited because my new place has a closet INSIDE my bedroom, and the kitchen has a disposal. Also, we live down the street from Stacey Street. I'm guessing that some day I'll have too much beer and think it's a good idea to bring my Sharpie down the road and cross out the "E."

I ran a 10K. That's 6.2 miles! I did it with my mom, and 7,000 other women, and we surprised ourselves and ran the whole thing without any walking. Sadly, I had gone for runs only about 5 times in the past two months, and I hurt in a bad, bad way for the following two days.

I went to Philadelphia this weekend and helped Molly and Danny pick out wines and champagne for their wedding. That's one long car ride, but the wine was excellent. Plus, Molly and Danny made me pumpkin pancakes before I had to leave. Thanks guys!

It's an early bedtime for me tonight. It's the last night before late-night world series nights. GO SOX!!!!

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