Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love to play. I think that's probably why I still babysit on occasion and I have a bin of toys in my bedroom. It's no different at school. Third grade isn't really very fun, like I remember it when I was 8, long before the days of No Child Left Behind. In fact, I have specific intructions that our last day of school on Monday needs to be academic. I'm not there to babysit them and play a movie and color, so I'm told.

So when a fun day comes along, it's a ton of fun for my students, and for me too. Today we had field day, which is really just Field 90 Minutes. When you're nine, that feels like a long time though. I played along for a lot of the games and had a blast, and my kids thought it was so funny. One told me that she didn't know old people could jump rope. She had the nerve to say that she thought old people start getting really weak bones and joints. I've written her report card already, but tomorrow I'll get on the computer and make a few adjustments.

Then, on top of an already fun morning, this afternoon was the annual student-teacher basketball game. My kids that were playing have been trash talking me for the past few days, but they were SO excited that I was going to play. They loved seeing their teachers and principal in gym clothes and running around the gym. I did a little trash talking myself right before I stole the ball from one of my top math students. I definitely don't remember getting to do anything like that when I was little. I wish they would have the game more than just once a year next year. There were 50 students who were at school until 4, getting exercise, connecting to their teachers in another way, and not just plopped in front of a totally inappropriate tv show (Family Guy? Not meant for 9 year olds.).

The best part? The teachers beat the students, 44-41. And Ms. G. scored 8 points.


Anonymous said...

I love how often you've been blogging lately.
But most importantly... I love your stories!

Molly Pants said...

I love the idea of calling you Miss G.

Stacy said...

Zabe--Thanks! I don't know what I'll do when school ends next week. All of the stories I have are school related...

Molly--I do too. It sounds much "hipper" I think. Though the kids don't call me that, I just didn't want to put my last name on here, even though I know it's not hard to find. 178 days of school later though, and some kids are still pronouncing my last name wrong.