Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The one where I don't complain about work so much.

It's Last-Day-Of-School-Before-Vacation Eve. One of my favorite nights of the year. My gifts for the teachers who help me do battle teach in my classroom each week are all wrapped up, I have 26 freshly sharpened winter pencils ready to give to my kids, and I have not a smidge of work to do tonight.

I have a fantastic day planned tomorrow, with an all-school assembly during reading workshop, my kids' biography project presentation in our "living museum" during literacy tomorrow, and an astronomy video during writing and math. I am as giddy as, uhhh, someone about to be off until January 4th.

In some ways, I feel like I have been in school forever and ever and ever. (And ever and ever and ever). I never thought this day would come. But it also kind of amazes me that it could possibly be Christmas vacation already. That could be because we are still spending at least 2 recesses each week practicing classroom routines like lining up since we still can't manage to do it like 3rd graders. Anyway, the year always seems to zip by when we come back in January. MCAS will be a mere 3.5 months away when we come back and we'll be getting into full panic mode, making the weeks go by even more quickly.

It's practically summer, even though you wouldn't know it by the slushy/salty/icy mix covering most of my car.

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