Monday, December 28, 2009

You're a virgin who can't drive.

Ah, vacation time. I love it. Only a few things planned between now and next Monday. Most of my plans involve alcohol, french fries, or my credit card.

Here are a few recent, random pics.

Wednesday was the last day of school before vacation. Six or seven students gave me some lovely presents, ranging from an angel ornament with a jingle ball on it (it looks great on my menorah) to a beat up, dirty polar bear stuffed animal that one of my girls must've found in her room and decided to hand to me. But one of my favorites was from a sweet girl who gave me "diamond" earrings. I have my "Oh my gosh, those are BEAUTIFUL!!" routine perfected. I'm dreading having to wear them to school one day though. It's just a guess, but I suspect my ear lobes will not react too nicely to them.

Secondly, I got a nice reminder on the day before vacation that I need to review abbreviations with my class. Either that, or at least one of my kids thinks I'm a man.

And lastly, I had the rare opportunity to not only go out for dinner and drinks last night on a Sunday, but to also stay late enough for trivia. Our team, Way Harsh Ty, placed 5th, which was really quite remarkable since we were among the smallest groups playing. We had a strong start, but sort of fell off in the second half, as you'll see from one of our answer sheets that was decidedly not turned in.

In case you're wondering, the question asked for the name of the computer virus that wrecked PCs at the beginning of 2009.

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