Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How long does dip last?

I just spent 20 minutes chowing down on some Ruffles potato chips (so salty...) and dill dip that we bought in a drunken debacle as we returned home from the concert/bar on Friday night. I thought the dip tasted a bit odd and different from a few nights ago, but thought that maybe it just should've been stirred. As I closed it up, Kate told me that it wasn't the dip that she bought, and guessed that it was probably the last one I bought, for the Superbowl. Ew.

It's definitely not April outside, but it's getting there. I've got the day off tomorrow, and I'm heading out to buy a new Sox t-shirt in the morning, since tomorrow's the home opener! And I'm totally thrilled because I've got some decent seats on the 3rd baseline this weekend. I'm going to get a hot dog AND popcorn I've decided.

I need something good to do next week during April vacation--ideas?

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