Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm bad with this blog thing lately. By lately, I mean the last year and a half.

But I'm writing because I have big news. You know how some people all of a sudden have a huge enlightening religious moment? Like, someone accepts Jesus? Well, last week, I reached my own enlightening moment. I accepted fall into my life. I spent almost 26.5 years (yikes...someone asked how old I was the other day and I said 23) thinking that I hated fall. And I did. I hated that summer was over. I hated to put away summer clothes. I hated being cold all the time for about 6 months, and having numbs hands and feet constantly. I hate when the leaves change color because it means they're just going to fall off. I hate that summer vacation ends. I hated saying goodbye to flipflops.

But last Friday, I walked to downtown to meet up with Caitlin and Jeff for drinks and Sox. I liked that it was cool, but not too cold and I was comfy in my fleece and not getting sweaty for once as I walked over the Charlestown bridge like I did all summer. And I was thinking about the fact that I had just bought pumpkin muffin mix, and had a bunch of apples to make applesauce with. And, I was excited that I was heading the next day to Philadelphia to essentially kick off Halloween season by going to Molly's sister-in-law's birthday costume party. I had also just bought a lot of candy corn and broke out the Halloween candy bowls. And, I was really excited that I was going to watch the Sox in a playoff game. There's something especially cozy about seeing sox fans all bundled up at Fenway like they're getting ready to hibernate after a hot season. Plus, if Sox fans are all bundled up, it means good things for the Sox and the length of their playoff run. All of a sudden I though, "Wait, I like fall!" I was excited about lots of things happening, and not freezing, and I decided that fall isn't so bad.

It also helps that it got into the 70s today. I'm off to watch game 1 of the ALCS...go Sox.


Jenny Grace said...

Eh, the only thing I care about is that the Dodgers NOT get to the World Series, so, um, yeah, Go Sox!

Anonymous said...

Yay Stacy, I've missed your posts! Welcome back... and welcome to the joys of Fall, the best season out there!