Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If you could all just take a chill pill

Whenever I told people during college that I was a psych major, almost everytime the person responded with something like, "Ohhh, you must be analyzing me! I'll have to watch what I say!" I know I do look a little bit like Freud, but come on people--it wasn't very hard to get a psych degree from Union, and I certainly can't look at a person and diagnose them with a borderline personality disorder after a couple of classes with Donaldson.

I've found that people do the same thing when I tell them I'm going into teaching. As soon as they hear 'first grade,' inevitable they remark that I must be a patient person. I suppose that's not entirely untrue, but I can think of at least half a dozen other qualities that I think should exist in most good teachers.

I've always thought of myself as a pretty patient person, when I want to be. But lately I've found that those crying, nose-picking, running-in-the-hallway little guys have been wearing me down lately. I don't know what it is, but if I have to hear one of them tell me one more time that so-and-so said he wasn't going to be his friend anymore, it's going to be hard not to hit him. And it drives me nuts when one of them cannot finish his snack in 15 minutes. ADD aside, the fact is you're hungry, so just focus on eating your apple and jello! And then there's the little stubborn ones. I think it's great that at 6 you already have a strong personality, but I'm the teacher, and when I say that you need to use your crayons instead of your markers, then don't try to negotiate. roommate is sitting here screaming about how her bank is going "fucking down." She has that evil look on as she crafts a brilliant letter explaining why she shouldn't pay the excessive charges as she lists what she could have bought for the same amount of money (new boobs, for one), and I'm thinking it's time to vacate the room and head to bed.

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