Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fox in socks and green eggs and ham

If you've ever lived with me, shared a room with me, or talked to me, you probably know I'm not very good at sleeping. Well, that's not totally true. Usually after 4 or 5 beers I'm great at falling asleep and staying that way for at least 7 hours. But I'm not sure if it's a great idea to get in the habit of downing a six pack before bed every night just so I get a decent night's sleep.

So last night I couldn't fall asleep because of the socks I was wearing. I went to bed wearing dress socks (actually they were Kate's dress socks I think...Kate-remind me to explain that later). You know how dress socks have that little seam right in the middle, so there's no front side or heel side to them? Well, rather than lie on the top of your toes, like normal socks, that deam lies right on the tip of your toes on dress socks. I don't know why it bothered me so much because it's not that unusual for me to sleep in dress socks, but I was so uncomfortable and couldn't fall asleep. So finally I got up and changed into normal, white, athletic socks. And the seam still bothered me. So naturally, since I wasn't sleeping, I got up to look at my sock and see what was going on.

It looked like a normal sock.

But then I was trying to wonder what the point of that seam is. Any ideas? I don't really understand the clothing-making process, but it seems like in 2006 they should have machines that can make socks without that annoying seem that feels weird on your feet. It was a long, long night.

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