Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hot people that are doctors? Count me in.

The great thing about my job is that I only work until 2:30. I don't sit down between 8 and 1:00, but being able to leave at 2:30 makes up for it. Of course, the plan is to do some tutoring in the afternoons so that I don't have to stop drinking Miller Lite, but right now I sort of sit around from 3:45 until bed time. Don't think I'm just wasting my afternoons away though--I find some things to buy my time though. For example, last week was "Twin Week" on Family Feud, and it was really exciting to see if the older twins would beat the younger twins. But, the catch of all catches was this afternoon, when I discovered a special called "Getting Into Grey's Anatomy," which is basically the best thing I have going on right now. I've been whining for the past 6 months that I wanted to watch Grey's Anatomy, but I've tried a few times to watch an episode and couldn't get into it. I'm hoping this does the trick, because really what I need right now is another show that I need to watch on a daily basis.

Oh, and yesterday on my morning commute, I saw a blind man walk into the side of a building on Harvard Street.

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